
  • negociation 

    process by which two or more parties with both common interests and conflicting interests together formulate the terms of a possible agreement; it calls for both compromise and cooperation; they are often very complex

    Hellriegel, Slocum, Woodman, 2004
  • network

    for the company - organized group whose elements, depending on a center, are distributed at various points - network of bank branches (Larousse, 2020)

    in history: underground organization whose members work in liaison with each other - Resistance network (Larousse, 2020)

    in the army: a set of means generally of a homogeneous nature that can communicate with each other (Army staff, 1988)

    example of a support network: guanxi, code of social cohesion of Chinese society - complicated relational network, close to the old Western business code “My word obliges me”: we can count on the other members of the network, who are honored to support you. It is "an informal bond, building a network of support outside of a rigid circle of established rules and regulations." "Whoever receives help will one day return it in a form that no one can predict today, knowing that it will happen. This is a relationship meant to last from generation to generation (Sennett, 2014)

    Larousse, 2020 & Etat-major de l’armée de terre, 1988 &Sennett, 2014
  • negotiation effects

    in terms of the gender pay gap, they are due to several phenomena. They can correspond to a difference in negotiating power between women and men in the sharing of the wealth produced within the same company. They may also reflect a greater presence of men in the highest paid positions in the company, or even stem from the differences in the time worked between women and men, if overtime is paid better than regular hours. Finally, they can account for discriminatory behavior by companies in terms of wages against women

    Coudin, Maillard & Tô, INSEE références, 2017
  • Nationality

    existence or will for existence as a nation of a group of men united by a community of territory, language, traditions, aspirations; this group to the extent that it maintains or claims this existence. State of a person who is a member of a specified nation. (Petit Robert, 1989)

    The concept of nationality is linked not only to a common history, traditions and language but also to a legal status which recognizes a person as a member of a particular nation (a large ethnic group). (Definition proposed by UNIMI, Migraid project, 2019)

    Petit Robert, 1989 & UNIMI, projet Migraid , 2019
  • Negationism & revisionism

    Doctrine denying the reality of the genocide of the Jews by the Nazis, in particular the existence of the gas chambers (Larousse, 2020)

    By virtue of its nature and scale, the genocide perpetrated by the Nazi regime against the Jewish community during World War II has left a deep mark on contemporary history. The most paradoxical manifestation is provided by the enterprise which consists in denying the reality of this genocide. Qualified as "revisionist" by its promoters from the 1970s to give it a semblance of scientificity, it is designated as "negationist" by historians. Faithful to a long anti-Semitic tradition of the West, the deniers denounce an alleged international Jewish conspiracy which would have fabricated this "swindle of the twentieth century" with the aim of justifying the existence of the State of Israel and of to extort reparations from a "defeated and innocent" Germany. Holocaust denial has experienced particular development in France with two main precursors - Maurice Bardèche and Paul Rassinier. It was widely disseminated from the 1970s, through a convergence of views and actions between extreme right circles and ultra-left groups. (Universalis, 2020)

    Larousse &, 2020
  • Non-formal education

    activities focusing on attitude, knowledge and understanding, skills and actions. It is managed by specific or general pedagogical traditions


    Huber & Reynolds, 2014
  • NEET (Not in Education nor in Employment or Training)

    young people who are unemployed, not in education or training. It is expressed as a percentage of the total number of young people in the corresponding age group and by sex. Young NEETs may be either unemployed or inactive or outside the education or training system. Young NEETs are more likely than others to be socially excluded, to live below the poverty line and to lack the skills to improve their economic situation

    OCDE, 2017
  • non-formal learning

     learning embedded in organized activities which are not explicitly designed for learning, but which contain important learning elements (something described as semi-structured learning). It is intentional from a beginner's point of view. This learning does not lead to certification.

    CEDEFOP, 2002