Club à la Cité des Métiers
Migrapass Organization concerned : iriv Location : Cité des MétiersEach month, the Club “Value your migratory journey - from experience to skills” offers people who have had a migratory background (migrants or nationals who have had experience abroad) a tool and a method to enhance their experience by expressing it in terms of competence. The club of iriv at the Cité des Métiers allows an exchange of testimonials between the participants, a presentation of the tools and strategies designed during European projects, information on the necessary steps to improve one's chances on the job market. Since 2012, the tool and the method (Migrapass portfolio) have been improved thanks to feedback from participants and stakeholders associated with iriv.
See the full videoCNAM VAE
Projet AllinHE Location : ParisParticipation of the President of the Iriv in the 10th International Seminar on Lifelong Learning organized under the aegis of the Group Recognition of the World Committee for Lifelong Learning (CMA) at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Paris) 17-18 March 2016 for her experience on VPL, for instance the last European project she was involved in, AllinHe (led by a Dutch University, 2011-2014 in 11 countries)
See the full videoCommission européenne - Le programme Erasmus +
Commission Européenne Organization concerned : HometoldDiversity in learning was enhanced in a two step approach combining formal , non formal and informal learning
1- Formal learning- the Bologna process (2000)
Firstly enhancing mobility in Europe for increasing the feeling of belonging and a fair treatment of any European citizen with a main requirement: expressing diploma and qualifications in terms of competences in order for a transparent and mutual recognition in the EU
2- Informal and non formal learning - the Copenhagen process (2002)
Secondly considering all types of experiences acquired outside school, university or any official training bodies for instance on the workplace, through a non paid activity, thanks to a volunteering, a migratory experience ….
A concrete implementation of the lifelong learning program is suggested by projects supported by the European Commission – yearly calls for proposals (in 2022, 4th generation of programme since 2000 with each year updated priorities according to the economical, social and political issues tacked by European countries)
See the full videoEspar Migration- Conférence finale
Espar Organization concerned : UNICATT - Université catholique de Milan Location : Milan, ItalieFinal conference in Milan organized in February 2018 by the Catholic University of Milan (UNICATT) where the European team constituted by a German partner (Tür an Tür), an English partner (University of Birmingham) , a French partner (iriv) and a Spanish partner (Centre for Refugees) who presented the results of a reflection initiated by the Italian leader on the necessary accompaniment of refugee audiences by professionals trained accordingly- the 3 European partners brought their experience & expertise in the mantière. The Espar project was followed by another Espor project, funded by the same European Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration. It resulted in a third project, eMOOC, this time a strategic partnership initiated and led by the Catholic University of Milan, which involved the team of Espar- Tür an Tür (Germany) and iriv (France) plus colleagues in Germany (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences) and Spain.
See the full videoIriv - Le bénévolat en France
iriv Location : ParisSince 2000, the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (IRIV) has been involved in European projects within the framework of the programme launched by the European Commission in 2000 "Training & Lifelong Learning". EU education and training policies developed with the Lisbon strategy adopted in 2000. Quality preschool, primary, secondary, higher and vocational education and training are essential to Europe’s success. In a rapidly changing world, lifelong learning is the key to growth, jobs and innovation. They enable everyone to participate fully in society, at all stages of their lives, and in stimulating learning experiences in Europe.
The iriv initiated and led a pioneering project Valuing Volunteer Experience-VAEB (2003-2013), awarded in Helsinki in 2006 as an example of excellent practice in promoting the Copenhagen Process in Europe. This pioneering project enabled the European Commission in 2011, the European Year of Volunteering, to officially recognise volunteering as an example of non-formal and informal learning.
IRIV- Institut de recherche et d'information sur le volontariat
iriv Organization concerned : Hometold Location : ParisThe Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv, ) is a free private institution, non-profit, independent of public administrations and economic interests, with the aim to improve knowledge and practice within the non-profit sector on lifelong learning. Focused on volunteering between 1997 and 2003, it has enriched its field of research since 2003 with migration. Iriv Conseil, private consultancy body, was created in 2000 in order to carry on studies & researches and trainings on both national and European levels- more than 50 projects since 1997. The results of iriv’s projects are available on: gathering its articles, research reports, guides, training & mentoring, portfolios and the 5 publications of the iriv since 1998… For its 20th birthday (1997-2017), iriv has implemented a portal- to present its actions on the ground: among migrants at the Cité des Métiers (since 2012) and among youngsters in Essone (since 2013). It has organized or co-organized several conferences since 1998 both on national and European levels such as the first European Biennale on VPL (University of Inholland, Rotterdam, 2014) or the National conference on Linguistic Learning & VET (Mairie du XIV, Paris, 2015) or a conference dedicated to Volunteering at the University Paris 4- Sorbonne in partnership with the University of Paris 5- Descartes (2009).
See the full videoIriv- les rives de l'IRIV
iriv Organization concerned : HometoldSince 2004, the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering - iriv ( has published an electronic journal, initiated and edited by the president of the iriv. This review proposes a reflection on themes related to lifelong commitment and/or education and training. The contributions cover topics as varied as experience, promise, difference, boundaries, trust... These are neutral or positive subjects, never polemical, that each contributor tries to treat with honesty and clarity, arguing his demonstration to provoke reflection among our readers. The testimonies are also very varied: by geography (contributors are French, European, other countries of the world) but also by the profile of their authors (practitioners, researchers, volunteers...). Articles are read carefully, suggestions are made to the authors to clarify a point or clarify their thoughts. The call for papers is open to all - the selection concerns only the interest and originality of the article. Participation is voluntary, which is a form of selection.
See the full videoJUcivol - Séminaire auprès des jeunes
JUCIVOL Location : Cité Saint Pierre, LourdesThe JuCiVol project aims to encourage young people who have difficulties in social and professional integration to engage in volunteer activities to gain relevant experience and skills. The training combines an approach, a method and tools to accompany young people by emphasizing civic and social skills and by valuing the sense of initiative and the spirit of cooperation & enterprise, on the basis of a volunteer experience. It was experimented in France, it took place in two regions (Ile de France and Occitanie) and in 5 territories- Paris, Essonne, Yvelines, Seine and Marne & Hautes Pyrénées. The video presented was shot at the Cité Saint Pierre-Établissement du Secours catholique with the partnership of the local mission Hautes Pyrénées (Lourdes branch). The young people were selected by the Saint Pierre Centre (volunteers in civic service) and by the local mission of Lourdes (Youth Guarantee scheme)
See the full videoJUcivol- conférence CNAM
JUCIVOL Organization concerned : iriv Location : ParisThe JuCiVol project aims to strengthen a culture of democratic values, fundamental rights and to raise awareness about active citizenship by promoting volunteerism among young people to encourage them to participate in community life. The project is intended to train young people and accompany teachers & educators by supporting them with an adapted methodology. It is aimed directly at educators working with young people living in sensitive and/or migration neighbourhoods to make them aware of volunteering to prevent violent behaviour while raising their awareness of European citizenship, fundamental rights and their exercise on the ground. A final conference was offered at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) in Paris on Friday, November 16, 2018. It has enabled French key players (CRPVE in Essonne, Cité Saint Pierre and Mission Locale in Lourdes-Hautes Pyrénées, COPANEF in France for key competencies) to open perspectives in France and Europe with European comparisons - Cyprus, Spain, Italy and Slovenia.
See the full videoJUcivol- séminaire professionnels
JUCIVOL Location : Cité Saint Pierre, LourdesJicivol tutoring is accompanied by a guide to better explain the JuCiVol approach to a less familiar audience of volunteering (some professionals may not know the best way to explain and value volunteering) to encourage youth to engage in volunteer activities, and to identify and evaluate their volunteer/volunteer experience in terms of skills. Tutoring has been experimented in France with professionals in two departments: Essonne (Evry, Ile de France); and the Hautes Pyrénées (Occitanie). The video presented was filmed during the experiment carried out at the Cité Saint Pierre-Établissement du Secours catholique with the partnership of the local mission Hautes Pyrénées (Lourdes branch office).
See the full videoMiFamily - Séminaire conseil de quartiers
MiFamily Organization concerned : iriv Date : 2019-12-04 Location : GrignyThe MiFamily project, initiated by the British organisation NRCSE (National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education), is a European project within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme (2017-2019) for school education. It brings together 7 organisations in 5 European countries: Great Britain (leader and one partner), Spain (two partners), Ireland, Romania and France. The project aims to improve the educational success of children of immigrant parents by enabling them to get more involved in their child’s schooling through two different approaches: 1- train professionals working with families of foreign origin in order to involve them more effectively in the schooling of their children through the pedagogical approach of family education; 2- develop innovative tools to facilitate the integration of young people from families of foreign origin in the host country through training of their parents on the education system, guidance, etc.
See the full videoOEC- Bénévolat et règlement comptable
Comité associations OEC Date : 2020-10-07 Location : ParisSince 2017 the president of the iriv has been a member of the Association Committee of the Ordre des Experts comptables de Paris & Ile de France. The webinars offered by the OEC serve as a reminder of how to value volunteerism in association budgets. The new Chart of Accounts rules for associations that came into effect in 2020 took this into account. The webinars are aimed at associations and accountants in charge of the accounting of associations of which only 15% have employees and therefore a sufficient budget to use the services of an accountant; 85% of associations rely solely on volunteers.
See the full videoOEC- Impact de la pandémie sur les associations
Comité associations OEC Location : ParisSince 2017 the president of the iriv has been a member of the Association Committee of the Ordre des Experts comptables de Paris & Ile de France. The webinars offered by the OEC serve as a reminder of how to value volunteerism in association budgets. The webinars are aimed at associations and accountants responsible for the accounting of associations, 85% of which rely solely on volunteers. This webinar analyzes the impact of the health crisis on associations, their accounts but also their volunteers.
See the full videoRevalue - Séminaire Cité des Métiers
Revalue Location : ParisThe REVALUE project, initiated and directed by Erifo (Italian association in Rome), in 5 countries (2016-2019)The aim is to offer support to refugees and migrant groups in general and to the teachers who accompany them in order to promote their social and professional integration in the countries of the European Union. Its objective is to strengthen the professional integration of migrants - including refugees, subsidiary protection holders and asylum seekers - by improving their access to skilled jobs in the five project partner countries; and design and implement innovative Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses using innovative teaching methodologies, taking into account the needs of adult education.
See the full videoS"engager dans le travail de mémoire
Location : LyonVoluntary service abroad is a valuable experience that often shapes the future life of a young person. A very special mission is to participate in the work of remembrance of the painful past of the two countries in memorials, peace initiatives or institutions of political education in Germany and France. On the occasion of the 21 years of existence of the volunteer service of the Maison d'Izieu in cooperation with the ASF Committee - Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste in France, the Franco-German journalist Géraldine Schwarz, the volunteer researcher, Bénédicte Halba, and three former and current French and German volunteers discuss the importance of this commitment not only for the people and institutions concerned, but also for the development of open societies, democratic and diverse as a whole.
See the full videoSAS- L'engagement des jeunes
Success at school through volunteering Location : SénatInitiated by the Collège Blaise Pascal with iriv consulting, the Schola project brings together a European team in France (leader), Belgium, Italy, Poland and Slovenia. The Schola project aims to offer a training programme to educators- teachers and school mediators (volunteers and employees) associations offering school support actions or any other organizations working with young people, to acquire knowledge about the reasons for school failure and the strategies implemented at national and European levels to combat school dropout; to understand the particular role played by teachers/mediators at school, within the educational community, between families and schools; learning to learn with an emphasis on key skills and different types of learning (formal, non-formal, informal); practice complementary school strategies, for example based on acquired associative experience
See the full videoSchola - Le bénévolat contre l'échec scolaire
Schola Location : MassyInitiated by the Collège Blaise Pascal with iriv consulting, the Schola project brings together a European team in France (leader), Belgium, Italy, Poland and Slovenia. The Schola project aims to offer a training programme to educators- teachers and school mediators (volunteers and employees) associations offering school support actions or any other organizations working with young people, To acquire knowledge about the reasons for school failure and the strategies implemented at national and European levels to combat school dropout; To understand the particular role played by teachers/mediators at school, within the educational community, between families and schools; Learning to learn with an emphasis on key skills and different types of learning (formal, non-formal, informal);Practice complementary school strategies, for example, based on associative experience acquired by young people.
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