
  • AllinHE

    “The key principle of lifelong learning is that basic education is no longer enough in life for professional careers. It is better to develop skills (know-how, knowledge, attitude, motivation) throughout life realizing that 'your glass is already half full' ”- The Center for Validation of Acquisitions and European experience. Access to Lifelong Higher Education: a European project led by the Inholland University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands). The ALLinHE project promotes the integration of disadvantaged students with an atypical profile into the European higher education system, regardless of age or social origin. It should not be a privilege to have lifelong educational opportunities, it should be a right. The ALLinHE project, initiated and led by Inholland University, started in October 2011 and ended in May 2014. It brought together eight European countries (Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, France, Slovenia, Romania, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and one country in Asia, South Korea.


    The CLASS project is a continuation of the SCHOLA project (https://www.schola-erasmus.eu/), as an example of good practice to fight against ESL (Early School Leaving) school failure and for the application of the European framework of 8 key skills (EC, 2006 & 2018). SCHOLA has shown that it is useful to take an innovative approach to involve students through extra-curricular activities such as volunteering. The CLASS project wishes to continue the virtuous circle set in motion by the Schola project in European educational systems but also in Third Sector educational structures in Europe and throughout the world, by setting up a multidisciplinary network which supports education as a catalyst for sustainable development. In the definition given by the United Nations (Agenda 2030), the concept of "sustainable development" is introduced without its economic dimension, but closely linked to the dimensions of social inclusion and the environment. It includes three intellectual productions: a tool to assess the volunteer experience acquired by students (middle and high school students), support for educators on sustainable development, and an ebook that combines a theoretical approach (pedagogy implemented) and practical (experimentation of the project in the different countries).

  • Club Cité des Métiers

    Since 2012, the Club Valuing one's migratory journey - from experience to competence has offered people who have had a migratory journey a tool and a method to enhance their experience by expressing it in terms of competence. The spirit of the club offered by iriv is to promote an exchange of testimonies between participants, to present tools and strategies developed during European projects, to inform participants about the steps necessary to improve their chances on the job. Offer to migrant audiences, women & men, qualified & unqualified, from several continents (Africa, Latin America, Europe, Asia ...), French-speaking or non-French-speaking (minimum language level: A2-B1), a regular meeting place and exchanges to enable them to identify their experience, to translate it in terms of skills to consider the most appropriate strategy to improve / promote their professional career (training, VAE, job search techniques, etc.). Several tools and methods have been proposed and used: the Migrapass portfolio, a portfolio to enhance one's migratory skills (tested in 2012); Allinhe support, support to understand VAE and assess one's chances (tested between 2012 and 2014); Di & Di training: knowing how to identify situations of discrimination and be able to overcome them (tested in 2015); the Valbuk approach: a skills-based approach for the least qualified audiences (tested in 2013-2014); the Vintage strategy (2014-2016): promoting language learning by combining theoretical and practical approaches & work situations (tested in 2014-2015); the Key Tutors project (2015-2017) explains the key skills approach; the DiverPass project (2019-2021) offers support to professionals working with migrant audiences; the diversity of learner profiles and territories (urban & rural) is the proposed approach. The educational approach - from experience to competence - based on the Migrapass portfolio (2010-2012) enriched by the Allinhe, Valbuk, Vintage or Key Tutors projects, a circular and interactive approach is offered to participants.

  • DiverPass

    On a European level, the integration of migrants in their transition in the labour market has been a main priority for political debate and policy initiatives in a growing number of EU member states. Professionals with a diverse profiles ( professional path- social workers, educators, teachers ; status- paid staff/volunteers ; rural/urban territories…) are not well equipped to support migrants themselves also with a diverse profile (age, gender, countries of origin, languages…) to overcome the many obstacles they are faced to in the labour market. In particular they are faced to a variety of demands including linguistic, social, professional support but also and above all transversal competences.

    The main barriers migrants are faced to are: a lack of recognition of their experience and of their knowledge, competence and skills. It leads to a process of deskilling that is highly demotivating. Most of the time, it is uneasy for them to be able to justify a relevant working experience in the host country as they work in the “black or grey " (undeclared) market. Mots of the time the work they do is irrelevant with their genuine qualification. Moreover, the acquisition of the host language is a main obstacle even more difficult with this lack of recognition of their previous knowledge or competence. A vicious circle is easily built that leads to social and professional exclusion.

    A main innovation of the DiverPAss is to enhance a relevant competence strategy among both educators and their learners (with migrant background), combining formal/non formal/ informal learning based on a voluntary experience to be expressed in terms of competences- mainly KC2- multilingual competence and KC6- Citizenship competence

  • EducOpera

    The EducOpera means to struggle against Earlys School Leavin (ESL) through the acquisition of skills & competences by the means of Education to Opera. To achieve this aim, it intents to design 3 main intellectual outputs :
    1- A tool & method (IO1) to identify and assess the competences acquired by teenagers thanks to an education to music in general and Opera in particular which might be relevant skills & competences required at school

    2- A training for professionals (IO2) - educators being trained to this pedagogical & innovative approach to enrich their professional practice and being able to use the IO1 in their assessment
    3- A guidance for professionals in order for them to be able to explain the EducOpera approach to other teachers/educators (at school and outside school) teaching musical education (IO3) making the link with the struggle against Early School Leaving (ESL) ; learning to learn making the link between formal, non-formal and informal learning.

  • GRIT

    The GRIT project aims to fight against early school leaving by supporting the professional development of educators and schools located in multicultural and multilingual urban areas (sensitive urban areas in France). The target audience includes educators - individually or collectively. Through a Growth mindset educators are able to better grasp the potential of their students in school. This pedagogical approach is considered a major advance in the success of students in school; especially for groups “at risk” of dropping out of school - because of their origins, their mother tongue (foreign), or a more fragile socioeconomic status The project is articulated in five intellectual productions (IOs): a toolbox for educators; a guide to explain how to properly use these tools; training for educators; a guide to explain the training to educators; and a digital manual that synthesizes the results of the project

  • Jucivol

    Initiated by the University of Burgos (Spain) with Iriv Conseil (France), by associating INEK PEO (Cyprus), ERIFO (Italy) and ZRC-SAZU (Slovenia), the JuCiVol project is part of the “Initiatives for political innovation - social inclusion through education, training and youth ”, of the Erasmus + program (European program for education, training, youth and sport). The JuCiVol project aims to strengthen a culture of democratic values ​​and fundamental rights and to raise awareness of active citizenship by promoting volunteering among young people to encourage them to participate in community life. The project is intended to train young people and support teachers & educators by supporting them with an adapted methodology. It is aimed directly at educators working with young people living in sensitive neighborhoods and / or from migrant backgrounds to make them aware of volunteering to prevent violent behavior while raising their awareness of European citizenship, fundamental rights and their exercise on ground. Training for young people and Tutoring for professionals have been tested in several territories in France - in Ile de France (Viry Chatillon, Essonne; Les Mureaux, Yvelines; Montereau, Seine et Marne) and in Lourdes (Hautes Pyrénées). Actors with varied profiles were involved: local missions, associations, second chance school, Center Saint Pierre du Secours Catholique. A final conference was offered at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM), in Paris, on Friday 16 November 2018. It enabled French key players (CRPVE in Essonne, Cité Saint Pierre and Mission Locale in Lourdes-Hautes Pyrénées, COPANEF in France for key skills) to open up perspectives in France and in Europe with European comparisons - Cyprus, Spain, Italy and Slovenia

  • Key Tutors

    Initiated by the Fédération Familles ruales des Pays de Loire together with iriv, the Key Tutors project (2015-2017) is an Erasmus+ project (selection 2015). It offers both a pedagogical tool & training for tutors in the field of Key competences. Professionals are mainly social workers but also trainers/tutors in variours fields of activities. Whatever their educative and/or professional background, they are not trained to support learners from disadvantaged backgrounds/with fewer opportunities – a relevant social and educative support is needed. The main issue of the Key Tutors is to design a tool to identify and assess key competences among learners with fever opportunities. The  project aims to promote the development, testing and implementation of innovative practice in the field of education for adult in implementing an education guidance for professionals (trainers and tutors in enterprise) working in the field of "Education for all" in order for them to develop basic and transversal skills among adult learners from disadvantaged background (basic and transversal skills, people in integration, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, migrants ...).  The project addresses the following priorities : To promote the development, testing and implementation of innovation practices in the field of education, training and youth ;  To facilitate the recognition, and validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning ; and 3-  To support learners with special needs (disadvantaged backgrounds) to complete education cycles and facilitate their transition into the labour market. The project addresses two publics: Professionals working with these leaners in associations , local authorities and Small and Medium Entreprises (SME) and learners from disadvantaged backgrounds/with fewer opportunities.

  • Médiateur interculturel

    Initiated by iriv, the Intercultural Mediator project was supported by the National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equal Opportunities (ACSE) and by the OPCA specializing in the social and solidarity sector Uniformation. The objectives of the Intercultural Mediator project are to offer a training program to intercultural mediators so that they can enhance their skills and acquire knowledge on their fields of intervention (education, housing, employment, etc.) and on the audiences to which they belong. address (young people, seniors and women). The training program: is aimed at professionals working with migrants, intercultural mediators are the emblematic figure of such a profession; respects the mediation process: integrate the approaches of migrants as well as those of institutions while remaining as neutral as possible; insists on the specificities of intercultural mediation which aims to resolve conflicts and to propose an approach, elements of response and examples of good practice; promotes an innovative training medium: distance education (e-learning; t-learning accessible via the European course);enriches the knowledge of migrants and the challenges of migration and the concrete problems that arise in the field with the professionals who support them; incorporates a differentiated approach for each audience: intercultural mediation can be different depending on the profile of the migrants we are addressing (women, young people, elderly people); takes into account the different areas in which intercultural mediators are called upon to intervene without this approach being discriminatory (justice, police, detention center, etc.);promotes a European perspective: some countries may be further ahead than others in this field but remain very interested in the experience of their neighbors; the examples of good practice, gathered in several European projects (TIPS, INVOLVE, MEM-VOL) make it possible to illustrate concrete situations. The results obtained are as follows: a training program; a publication (iriv publications number 5); a website: www.mediateur-interculturel.net

  • MiFamily

    The MiFamily project, initiated by the National Resource Center for Complementary Education (NRCSE) in the United Kingdom, has associated partners in Spain (Infodef and La Bien Paga), France (iriv), Irlance (Innoquality system), in the United Kingdom (Aspire education) and in Romania (Icar Foundation). It was motivated by the observation that the academic success of students whose parents have experienced migration is more difficult than for others (lack of knowledge of the educational system of the host country, sociolinguistic difficulties, cultural differences, etc.).

    The project is mainly aimed at professionals (teachers, social workers ...) working in environments with a high rate of students whose parents have experienced migration who are often faced with the problem of communicating clearly and effectively with parents who have very varied profiles (different levels of study, understanding of the French language or of the French education system, etc.)

    The project has developed three “intellectual outputs” : a training program for intergenerational or family education (Family learning) for migrant audiences at school; an online platform with a selection of resources for Intergenerational or Family Education; a Guide and recommendations to encourage communication between schools and foreign families through intergenerational or family education programs.

    United Kingdom
  • MigrActrices pour l'emploi

    Initiated by Assfam, Adel and iriv, the MigrActrices project is supported by the Department of Reception, Integration and Citizenship (DAIC) of the Ministry of the Interior. The objectives of the MigrActrices project are to offer a training program for migrant women, a path to employment which includes four sessions: knowledge of actors, economic and social rights; lifelong training & education; job search techniques. The results obtained were: a training program in Seine et Marne; a weblog: www.migrActrices.blogspot.com. Several experimentation sessions were organized in Seine et Marne (France) by Bénédicte Halba with Diomar Gonzalez Serrano (iriv) - 4 sessions at the Maison de l'Emploi in Melun Val de Seine; 4 sessions at the Maison des Familles de Montereau

  • MigrAid

    Initiated by the Cyprus Labor Institute (INEK-PEO), the MigrAID project "Education and training of social partners in ethnic diversity in SMEs" is part of the ERASMUS + program. It was initiated by the Cyprus Labor Institute (INEK-PEO) to understand how diversity is applied in SMEs (including LDCs) and with social partners in the five project partner countries - Cyprus, l 'Italy, France, Greece and Denmark. The project team developed tools and strategies to train social partners / unions, professional organizations, training centers to facilitate the professional integration of migrant workers in SMEs - including LDCs. The concrete objectives of the MigrAID project are: to understand how diversity is perceived and applied in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - including Small and Medium Associations (PMAs); clarify the position of social partners and SMEs / LDCs on diversity management; build a training program on the management of ethnic diversity within SMEs; and form associations to prevent discrimination against migrant workers. In France the audience was made up of social partners, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - including Small and Medium Associations (PMAs). A consultation was carried out with the social partners and SMEs on the management of ethnic diversity and associated training and theoretical references with the reference text - the Diversity Charter. The tools and strategies that were proposed for three years (2016-2019) by the various partners - intellectual productions were explained on the French weblog; iriv played a transversal support & evaluation role.

  • Migrapass

    Initiated by iriv with Autremonde (France), the Migrapass project is a European Leonardo da Vinci project (Lifelong Train & Educate program) which associates five countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. Ranked first in the 2010 selection of Leonardo da Vinci projects as well as in the final evaluation in 2013. The objectives of the Migrapass project were to offer a portfolio accompanied by training including a collaborative approach to enhance the unique experiences of the migrants they will be able to take advantage of the labor market. The results were: a portfolio; support from tutors trained by the Migrapass project partners; a network of experts in Europe (partners); national networks (networks set up in France - in Paris, the Center social Tanger with a tutor from Assfam Paris; in Seine Saint Denis, in Aubervilliers with a tutor from Assfam Seine Saint Denis; in Seine et Marne, in Savigny -le-Temple with a tutor from the Center social François Dolto; in Paris, at the Cité des Métiers with a tutor from the club La Tribu and the head of partnerships; publications (in 2011- Migrapass panel presented at the International Global Migration Conference and Multiculturalism: Religion, Society, Policy and Politics, University of Surrey, Guildford in the United Kingdom; 2011, article published by Bénédicte Halba (iriv, France) for the IMISCOE network, Intercultural mediation, a "new deal" for local policy making , University of Warsaw in Poland); and websites: www.migrapass.eu and www.migrapass.net; a weblog (French-English); and a film available on Youtube


    At the initiative of IRIV with the National agency for employment (ANPE), the MITEC project proposed a professional navigation tool for three specific audiences: high-level athletes, volunteers and expatriates. The memo made for the "volunteer" public and certain experiences and skills linked to a volunteer experience were inspired by the Vaeb project. The project consisted of: identifying and promoting skills foreign to the world of work (volunteering or high-level sport) or acquired on a foreign labor market (expatriation); promote access to the validation of prior learning (VAE); offer a professional navigation tool that can be common to these three situations.


    The professionalization of validation experts (PROVE) is an Erasmus + project (October 2019 - September 2021) led by the University of Tübingen which associates 6 countries (Germany, Austria, France, Greece, the Netherlands and Portugal). The objective of the project is to develop the professional skills of anyone involved in the Validation of prior learning (VAE) by proposing a European skills framework to ensure the quality of the validation process. To achieve this goal, the PROVE project developed an online self-assessment tool and selected learning resources for the professional development of VAE practitioners in Europe. It proposes to carry out three intellectual productions: a model / benchmark of skills for advisors in Validation of prior learning (VAE), a selection of resources in the 5 partner countries and in Europe (accessible through an online digital tool ), and an evaluation based on the experimentation carried out in the 5 partner countries.
  • Revalue

    Initiated by the research and training organization (ERIFO) in Italy, the REVaLUE project is part of the ERASMUS + program (European program for education, training, youth and sport). Five European countries are participating: Italy (leader), France, Germany, UK and Hungary. Its purpose is to identify the major causes which prevent the social and professional integration of migrant and / or refugee populations in particular: lack of recognition of knowledge and skills, including studies completed in their countries of origin; lack of opportunities for skilled migrants and / or refugees; lack of consideration of the professional experience acquired in their country of origin by migrants and / or refugees in the host countries, and linguistic obstacles - language is an essential condition for professional integration. The objective of REVaLUE is to strengthen the professional integration of migrants - including refugees, holders of subsidiary protection and asylum seekers - by improving their access to qualified jobs in the five partner countries of the project; as well as designing and implementing innovative vocational education and training (VET) courses using innovative teaching methodologies, taking into account the needs of adult education. The REVALUE approach has been tested in France. A series of tests was organized from September 2017 to June 2019 by the iriv team in partnership with France Terre d'Asile (September-December 2017) then with the Maavar association (social center in Sarcelles) then French Host language. The purpose of this test is to experiment with the ReStart tool (IO1), to provide all the useful information on the 3-step stage (proposed by the Migrapass portfolio) and enriched by the contributions of the Allinhe projects (VAE) , and language learning (Vintage). In particular, up-to-date information on ways to improve one's linguistic level is offered, such as the posting of French courses carried out by the Alliance Française in partnership with Radio France internationale (RFI). This online training system is offered by the Department of Reception, Support for Foreigners and Nationality (DAAEN). It covers levels A1 to B1 of the CEFR. MOOCs are available on the France Université Numérique platform https://www.fun-mooc.fr (information from the Prefecture of Pris, February 2018).

  • Schola

    With the Blaise Pascal college, iriv initiated the SCHOLA project, an Erasmus + project selected during the 2016 selection. It involved Belgium (Karel van Grote Hogeshcool), Italy (Universita degli Studi di Perugia), Poland (Jagellionski University) and Slovenia (ZRC-SAZU). The Schola project aims at designing tools and methods for professionals -teachers at school and educators outside school- in order to support them to be able to identify and assess the skills and competences acquired and/or to be developed by youngsters through a volunteering and therefore to support their work among youngsters facing difficulties at school or already early school leavers and so be able to combat efficently Early school leaving (ESL). The project will be carried out transnationally as the outputs of the PISA study have proved the useful impact of transnational comparison to promote and implement educative policies. The Schola gathers countries with different educative backgrounds where non formal and informal learning is differently taken into account such as France and Belgium where some efforts have been made to enhance non formal and informal learning (at least among adults) and Poland, Italy or Slovenia where formal learning is still the main reference for assessing learning outcomes of pupils/students.

  • Success at school through volunteering

    Initiated by iriv with the University of Northampton (United Kingdom), the European project Success at School through Volunteering - SAS (2012-2014) was developed as part of the program "Train and Educate throughout Life ", Comenius sub-program. Its aim was to offer young people (14-20 years old) living in sensitive neighborhoods an original strategy, based on voluntary commitment, to promote their academic success. Six countries were associated: the United Kingdom (leader), France (initiator), Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, and Slovenia. This project was ranked first in the Comenius 2012 call for projects - all European Union countries competing. The aim of the project was to offer young people (14-20 years old) living in sensitive neighborhoods an original strategy, based on voluntary commitment, to promote their academic success. Six countries were associated: the United Kingdom (leader), France (initiator), Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, and Slovenia. This project was ranked first in the Comenius 2012 call for projects - all European Union countries competing. This project allowed iriv to carry out an action from the 2013-2014 school year with college students in the city of Massy thanks to the partnerships of the Center de Ressources Politique de la Ville en Essonne, the city of Massy ( Department of Social Cohesion) and the Blaise Pascal College. Experimental sessions combined theoretical training followed by practical training for young people aged 14 to 16, likely to have academic difficulties or who have already dropped out of school, identified by the school, families or an association and integrated into the national “Educational Success” program. 23 young people attended the inaugural presentation session of the project and 9 participated in the experiment. At the same time, a training program was offered to educators to enable them to support young people during their volunteer experience, and to be able to provide them with the skills necessary for their academic success.

    United Kingdom
  • Think Diverse

    Think Diverse! (2021-2023) is led by the Italian consortium Eurosviluppo and associates 3 countries: Italy (Eurosviluppo, Skill up & Trastevere), France (iriv & LIRAC), and Spain (Neotalentway & Curvapolar) It brings together experts in lifelong learning and cultural and artistic organisations. It aims to design and test a training model with innovative methodologies to develop and promote creativity. It offers trainings on the theme of creativity in order to enhance this competence to support young people in their professional careers. It is aimed at trainers and practitioners of social innovation wishing to introduce diversity into their training with new methods and quality tools. Social workers need to be able to teach differently to diverse audiences, especially young people under the age of 35, who have no meaning in their lives. The toolkit offers a new approach to diversity and opens an innovative educational path to foster social inclusion. The idea is to take a diverse group of learners and train them through an original toolkit that uses an artistic approach to train others.

  • Trans-Cités

    Initiated by iriv with Assfam, the Trans-Cité project was supported by the Regional Council of Ile de France. The objectives of the Trans-Cité project were to offer an information to local actors and educational sessions to young people and women from senstive urban neighborhoods (sensitive urban areas), mostly with a migratory route, so that they can work together on an associative project. The results obtained were as follows: information meetings; educational sessions in six Ile-de-France departments (Assfam: Paris, Seine Saint Denis and Val d´Oise - iriv: Essonne, Yvelines and Seine et Marne); a weblog. Several experimentation sessions were organized in Essonne, Yvelines and Seine et Marne by iriv

  • Tremplin Migrants

    Initiated by iriv with Autremonde, the project was supported by the Regional Council of Ile de France and the National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equal Opportunities (ACSE). The objectives of the Tremploi Migrant (e) s project was to design a portfolio to enable migrant women to be able to promote a volunteer experience during the European Year of Volunteering (2011). The results obtained were: a portfolio; a publication on the occasion of the European Year of Volunteering; an Internet blog: http://iriv-migrations.blogspot.fr/. Several experimentation sessions were organized in Ile de France by Iriv (May - July 2011) by Bénédicte Halba with Olga Bronnikova

  • VAEB

    At the initiative of IRIV, it brought together 14 partners in 7 European countries (France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland and, United Kingdom). It was funded by the European Commission (Leonardo da Vinci sub-program "Training and educating throughout life".) And with support from the Regional Council of Champagne Ardenne for experimentation in France. The VAEB project for a professional project had the following objectives: to identify, evaluate and promote non-formal and informal learning and the skills acquired through associative involvement; and to recognize these informal qualifications and to allow certain categories of volunteers to reveal their "hidden" skills so that their associative commitment allows them to resume a professional activity, to test their capacities, to also regain self-confidence.

  • Valbuk

    At the initiative of the ECAP Foundation, this project is part of the "Training and Educating Throughout Life" program, a Leonardo da Vinci sub-program. Eight European countries are associated: Switzerland (leader), Austria, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Slovenia. The aim of the Valbuk project is to qualify personnel working in the cleaning sector, in particular migrants. Based on a model, the VQTS II (developed by the Austrian partner 3 S in 2006), the partners specify the skills required by sector of intervention (private individuals, offices, restaurants, hotels …) And test this grid with industry professionals and their staff. The results obtained are: a skills matrix built by the project partners for professionals in the cleaning and cleaning sector; a modular qualification procedure in the cleaning sector based on the existing Swiss model with a guide and a tool to promote non-formal and informal learning; a pilot training manual for the qualification procedure; a Valbuk network of researchers, professionals and practitioners on VAE and training in the cleaning sector; better knowledge of the European qualification system for employees in the cleaning sector; a website: www.valbuk.ch. The experiment carried out in France, in partnership with the Cité des Métiers de Paris: a group of professionals responsible for training and qualifying low-skilled people (see the Ressort project) and experimenting with the matrix and the tools offered within the framework of the Valbuk project with VAE advisers and professionals in the sector; in partnership with the Maison de l'Emploi en Ile de France: constitutes a group of players working with professionals in the sector and migrants wishing to work in the cleaning sector
